Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė attended NATO Summit (Public Forum) in Vilnius July 11-12 and have published in Verfassungsblog on challenging the ‚Post-Soviet‘ label and colonial mindsets

MEMOCRACY team member Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė attended NATO Summit (Public Forum) in Vilnius July 11-12 and have published a blog post on challenging the ‚Post-Soviet‘ label and colonial mindsets. For Lithuania and the Baltic region at least, the NATO Summit in Vilnius was a chance to emphasize the strong European identity and to challenge the deep colonial mindsets, which overlooks Eastern European perspectives in favor of those built in Moscow since the beginning of the 20th century.



The Challenge of Populist Memory Politics for Europe:
Towards Effective Responses to Militant Legislation on the Past

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė attended NATO Summit (Public Forum) in Vilnius July 11-12 and have published in Verfassungsblog on challenging the ‚Post-Soviet‘ label and colonial mindsets

MEMOCRACY team member Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė attended NATO Summit (Public Forum) in Vilnius July 11-12 and have published a blog post on challenging the ‚Post-Soviet‘ label and colonial mindsets. For Lithuania and the Baltic region at least, the NATO Summit in Vilnius was a chance to emphasize the strong European identity and to challenge the deep colonial mindsets, which overlooks Eastern European perspectives in favor of those built in Moscow since the beginning of the 20th century.