Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė delivered a report about the Soviet decolonization and memory regulation at the event hosted by Bocconi University (Italy)

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė presented the report titled „Navigating Soviet decolonization: memory regulation and identity of the Baltic states in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine“ at the hybrid event organized by Bocconi university in Milan „RESHAPING RUSSIAN IMPERIAL NARRATIVES: IS DECOLONIZATION ENOUGH?“ During the speech she stressed, that the most important tool for the Soviet decolonization of the Baltic states was the recognition of Soviet crimes in these countries.


program: https://www.unibocconi.it/sites/default/files/Reshaping%20Russian%20Imperial%20Narratives%20-%20blest_VL.pdf

interview in Italian: https://www.linkiesta.it/2024/06/imperialismo-sovietico-urss-russia-ucraina/



The Challenge of Populist Memory Politics for Europe:
Towards Effective Responses to Militant Legislation on the Past

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė delivered a report about the Soviet decolonization and memory regulation at the event hosted by Bocconi University (Italy)

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė presented the report titled „Navigating Soviet decolonization: memory regulation and identity of the Baltic states in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine“ at the hybrid event organized by Bocconi university in Milan „RESHAPING RUSSIAN IMPERIAL NARRATIVES: IS DECOLONIZATION ENOUGH?“ During the speech she stressed, that the most important tool for the Soviet decolonization of the Baltic states was the recognition of Soviet crimes in these countries.


program: https://www.unibocconi.it/sites/default/files/Reshaping%20Russian%20Imperial%20Narratives%20-%20blest_VL.pdf

interview in Italian: https://www.linkiesta.it/2024/06/imperialismo-sovietico-urss-russia-ucraina/