Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė presented the Baltic report for the Latvian audience

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė presented the Baltic report for the audience of the University of Latvia, Law Faculty. During the online presentation the results of the report where presented in the light of current memory event globally.

Invitation here: https://www.jf.lu.lv/par-mums/mediji/zinas/zina/t/84573/



The Challenge of Populist Memory Politics for Europe:
Towards Effective Responses to Militant Legislation on the Past

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė presented the Baltic report for the Latvian audience

Dr. Dovilė Sagatienė presented the Baltic report for the audience of the University of Latvia, Law Faculty. During the online presentation the results of the report where presented in the light of current memory event globally.

Invitation here: https://www.jf.lu.lv/par-mums/mediji/zinas/zina/t/84573/