Dr. Patryk Labuda presented his research at the 100th Anniversary Conference of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association
On 17 November, Dr. Patryk Labuda gave a talk about ‘The international community’s responses to the Russo-Ukraine war and what it tells us about Central and Eastern Europe’s position in international legal hierarchies’ (Reakcje społeczności międzynarodowej na wojnę w Ukrainie jako przyczynek do dyskusji na temat pozycji Europy środkowo-wschodniej w hierarchiach prawnomiędzynarodowych’).
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association, the conference was held from November 15-17 2023 by the University of Szczecin Law Department in Szczecin, Poland, with a dozen panels, a roundtable debate, and over 100 participants.