Dr. Patryk Labuda presented his research at the 100th Anniversary Conference of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association

On 17 November, Dr. Patryk Labuda gave a talk about ‘The international community’s responses to the Russo-Ukraine war and what it tells us about Central and Eastern Europe’s position in international legal hierarchies’ (Reakcje społeczności międzynarodowej na wojnę w Ukrainie jako przyczynek do dyskusji na temat pozycji Europy środkowo-wschodniej w hierarchiach prawnomiędzynarodowych’).

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association, the conference was held from November 15-17 2023 by the University of Szczecin Law Department in Szczecin, Poland, with a dozen panels, a roundtable debate, and over 100 participants.



The Challenge of Populist Memory Politics for Europe:
Towards Effective Responses to Militant Legislation on the Past

Dr. Patryk Labuda presented his research at the 100th Anniversary Conference of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association

On 17 November, Dr. Patryk Labuda gave a talk about ‘The international community’s responses to the Russo-Ukraine war and what it tells us about Central and Eastern Europe’s position in international legal hierarchies’ (Reakcje społeczności międzynarodowej na wojnę w Ukrainie jako przyczynek do dyskusji na temat pozycji Europy środkowo-wschodniej w hierarchiach prawnomiędzynarodowych’).

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association, the conference was held from November 15-17 2023 by the University of Szczecin Law Department in Szczecin, Poland, with a dozen panels, a roundtable debate, and over 100 participants.